Bridal Tip: Choosing your Wedding Bouquet

January 26, 2021  •  1 Comment


How to choose a Bouquet Size? Here are some things to consider when choosing a Bouquet for your wedding day.


♥Style Of Bouquet: Modern Bouquets tend to be a bit smaller and less packed. Traditional weddings will call for larger. more sumptuous bouquet. 

♥Size and Style of Dress: A Large dress will probably look better with a larger bouquet as well, but it also depends on the style of the dress, just like the style of the bouquet.

♥ Size difference you want between the Bride and Bridesmaids Bouquets.


As a wedding photographer, im like the biggest bride going as ive spent most wedding days besides bride on her wedding day by 500+ times over at this stage! So I have seen brides reactions to all sorts of different size Bouquets down through the years and my simple conclusion is that bigger is NOT always better. You can do your research and ask wedding flower experts but they don’t spend the entire day carrying this thing around. 


Small is BEST but making sure its noticeable difference in the size to the bridesmaids wedding day Bouquets. Small tends to not be so heavy and awkward especially when walking for around for photos and having to hold for long periods of time and fix the dress etc. 

My little penny worth is, that Small to medium is the best option as its isn’t cumbersome and you don’t cover half your bridal party with it over even oyu top half of your body. Its a long day so be very wary that YOU are holding the Bouquet and don’t want to be weighted down regret a huge one like many thanks I have seen. 



choosing a wedding bouquet Ireland



How To Choose Choose Flowers by the Wedding Photographer : Darren Byrne Wedding Photography – Ireland



Ilmu Komunikasi(non-registered)
How does the practical experience of a wedding photographer, who has observed over 500 weddings, challenge traditional advice from wedding flower experts regarding bouquet size, and what implications might this have for future bridal decisions on floral arrangements?
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